miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore G.34

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

Once upon a time, a man sat on his rocking chair to write a book.
Everything was so calm at the beginning.....
1.      Where was the man when the tornado began?
2.      Did the man get scared?
3.      What did he do while his house was flying?
4.      What letters did he eat?
5.      How many people did he meet at the disaster site?
6.      How long did he walk?
7.      Who did he see flying in the sky?
8.      Could his book fly?
9.      What did he have to do to get to the library?
10.   What did he see in the library?
11.   Who danced with him?
12.   Who played the piano?
13.   Where did he sleep?
14.   Who woke him up?
15.   What did the books have for breakfast?
16.   What did he do to heal the sick book?
17.   How many books did he write?
18.   How many books did he share?
19.   Why did people turn into color when they got the books?
20.   What color was the man’s hat?
21.   Where did he finish writing his book?
22.   Why did he have to use a cane?
23.   How did he become younger again?
24.   How old was he when he left the library?
25.   Who became next inhabitant of the library?

Choose three  questions  and answer them.

Example :
11.   Who danced with him?
The books danced with him.