sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

71TGSOD Occupations

71TGSOD Occupations


  Graphic source : Word by Word Picture Dictionary Second Edition

Write five sentences per image.  Describe what each professional is going to do ....... next week, next month, next weekend,  etc....  Follow the examples.

The secretary is going to type twenty- five letters  next Monday.
The tailor is going to make a beautiful skirt next month.

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

77TGSOD Occupations

77TGSOD Occupations


  Graphic source : Word by Word Picture Dictionary Second Edition

Write five sentences per image.  Describe each occupation by using a different adjective . Follow the examples.

 A doctor's job is more stressful  than a flight attendant's job.

A teacher's job is more interesting than a waiter's job.

36TGGICD Places Around Town

36TGGICD Places Around  Town

Graphic source : Word by Word Picture Dictionary Second Edition

This new activity consists of describing the different places in the images.

Write five sentences per image. Follow the examples:

The photo shop is clean and small.
The train station is dangerous and dirty.
The school is modern and beautiful.
The mall  is huge and sofisticated.
The toy store is magical and big.

32TGGICD Places Around Town

32TGGICD Places Around  Town

                                                       Graphic source : Word by Word Picture Dictionary Second Edition

This new activity consists of describing the different places in the images.

Write five sentences per image. Follow the examples:

The photo shop is clean and small.
The train station is dangerous and dirty.
The school is modern and beautiful.
The mall  is huge and sofisticated.
The toy store is magical and big.




Graphic source : Word by Word Picture Dictionary Second Edition

Describe the  bedroom , dining room, and kitchen by using the vocabulary above. Write
 three  sentences with there is  and  more three  sentences with there  are  Remember to interact with adjectives.

There isnew clock radio in the bedroom.
There is an old buffet in the  dining room.
There is an interesting cookbook in the  kitchen.
There are dirty dishes in the kitchen.
There are silver spoons in the dining room.
There are colorful bedspreads in the bedroom.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

74TGSOD Occupations

74TGGICD Occupations


  Graphic source : Word by Word Picture Dictionary Second Edition

Write five sentences per image.  Describe each occupation by using a different adjective . Follow the examples.

 A doctor's job is more stressful  than a flight attendant's job.

A teacher's job is more interesting than a waiter's job.

79TGSOD Occupations

79TGGICD Occupations



Write five sentences per image.  Describe each occupation by using a different adjective . Follow the examples.

 A doctor's job is more stressful  than a flight attendant's job.

A teacher's job is more interesting than a waiter's job.

72TGSOD Ocuppations

72TGGICD Occupations



Write five sentences per image.  Describe each occupation by using a different adjective . Follow the examples.

 A doctor's job is more stressful  than a flight attendant's job.

A teacher's job is more interesting than a waiter's job.

78TGGICD Occupations

78TGGICD Occupations

78TGGICD Occupations



Write five sentences per image.  Describe each occupation by using a different adjective . Follow the examples.

 A doctor's job is more stressful  than a flight attendant's job.

A teacher's job is more interesting than a waiter's job.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

30TGSON Going To




Listen to the song and  practice it.


Look for another song that includes  "Going to" in its lyrics , copy  the link 
and practice this new second song, too.


Answer the followinq questions:

1. What are you going to do next Holy Week?

2. Where are you going next vacation?

3. Who are you going to visit next weekend?

4. How many times are you going to sing your favorite song tomorrow?

5. How much are you going to spend for Mother's Day?

6. How long are you going to stay in front of the computer next Suinday?

35TGGICD Going to




Listen to the song and  practice it.


Look for another song that includes  "Going to" in its lyrics copy  the link,
and practice this second song too.


Answer the followinq questions:

1. What are you going to do next Holy Week?

2. Where are you going next vacation?

3. Who are you going to visit next weekend?

4. How many times are you going to sing your favorite song tomorrow?

5. How much are you going to spend for Mother's Day?

6. How long are you going to stay in front of the computer next Suinday?

33TGGICD Going to




Listen to the song and  practice it.


Look for another song that includes  "Going to" in its lyrics and copy  the link.


Answer the followinq questions:

1. What are you going to do next Holy Week?

2. Where are you going next vacation?

3. Who are you going to visit next weekend?

4. How many times are you going to sing your favorite song tomorrow?

5. How much are you going to spend for Mother's Day?

6. How long are you going to stay in front of the computer next Suinday?

81TGSOD Occupations

81TGSOD Occupations



Write five sentences per image.  Describe each 
occupation by using the following adjectives: 
stressful, interesting, dangerous, exciting, boring, easy, safe, relaxing, difficult.

 An actor's job is more exciting  than a custodian's 

A teacher's job is more interesting than a waiter's job.

sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014

38TGGSOD Places around Town

38TGGICD Places Around  Town

Graphic source : Word by Word Picture Dictionary Second Edition

This new activity consists of describing the different places in the images.

Write five sentences per image. Follow the examples:

The photo shop is clean and small.
The train station is dangerous and dirty.
The school is modern and beautiful.
The mall  is huge and sofisticated.
The toy store is magical and big.

75TGSOD Occupations

75TGSOD Occupations



Write five sentences per image.  Include  two different adjectives and three places where these people work
Follow the examples:

1. The secretary works  in the office.
2. The supervisor works in the factory.
3. The travel agent works at the travel agency.
4. The waiter is busy.
5. The trash collector is friendly.


A secretary's job is more stressful than a trash collector's job.
A manicurist's job is easier than a meddical assitant's job.
A phamacist's job is safer than a firefighter's job

A pilot's job is the most exciting occupation in the world.
A data entry clerk's job is most boring job in the world.
A doctor's job is the most difficult  occupation in the world

80TGSOD Occupations

80TGSOD Occupations



Write five sentences per image.  Describe each occupation by using a different adjective . Follow the examples.

The secretary is happy in the office.
The truck driver is bored on the highway.