72TGSOD Ocuppations
72TGGICD Occupations

Write five sentences per image. Describe each occupation by using a different adjective . Follow the examples. A doctor's job is more stressful than a flight attendant's job.
A teacher's job is more interesting than a waiter's job.
A butcher's job is more difficult than a babysistter's job.
ResponderEliminarA artist's job is more easy than a barber's job.
A architect's job is more ordered than a carpenter's job.
A bricklayer's job is more exhausting than a chef's job.
A assembler's job is more complicated janitor's job
ResponderEliminarAn architect's job is more boring than a child's day job.
A construction worker's job is more tiring than a babysitter's job.
An artist's job is more amazing than a data entry clerk's job.
An assembler's job is more confusing than a janitor's job.
A chef's job is more interesting than an accountant's job.
ResponderEliminar-A connstructor's job is harder than a actor's job.
-A painter's job is more relaxing than an architect's job.
-An accountant's job is more stressful than a nanny job.
-A carpenter's job is more complicated than an artist's job.
-A concierge's job is easier than a mason's job.
Ocuppations 1
ResponderEliminarA artist´s job is more creative than a manson´s job
A construction´s worked is more complicated than cashier´s job
A architect´s job is more belated than barber´s job
A babysistter´s is mas recreative than baker´s job
A businessman´s is more easy than janitor´s job
A artist's job is more creative than a welder job
ResponderEliminarA connstructor's job is harder than a actress job.
A artist's job is more easy than a barber's job.
A assembler job is more complicated cashier job
Un trabajo de chef es más relajante que el trabajo de un arquitecto.
ResponderEliminarA actor's job is more refreshing than a the flight cashier job.
A bricklayer job is more exhausted than a barber´s job
A chef's job is more complicated than the artist's job
A manson´s job is more agitated than carpenter´s job
A baker job is more agitated than carpenter's job
A home health aide's job is more helpful than a fisher's job.
ResponderEliminarA firefighter's job is more funny than a delivery person's job.
An engineer's job is more exciting than a factory worker's job.
A gardener's job is more generous than a dockworker's job.
A farmer's job is more honest than a food-service worker's job.
ResponderEliminarA firefighter's job is more alarming than a hairdresser's job.
An engineer's job is more confusing than a delivery person job.
A home health aide's job is more worrying than a homemaker's job.
A garment worker's job is more stressful than a gardener's job.
A farmer's job is more tiring than a fisher's job.
Occupations 2
ResponderEliminarA farmer´s job is more difficult than a homemaker´s job
A firefighter´s job is more dangerous than a hairdresser´s job
A fisher´s job is more quiet than a housekeeper´s job
A gardener´s job is more funny than a food service´s job
A dockworker´s job is more interesting than a foreman´s job
ResponderEliminar-A gardener's job is less complex than a firefighter's job.
-A hairdresser's job is nicer than a factory worker's job.
-An engineer's job is more boring than the a homemaker's job.
-A pesacador's job is more stressful than an assistant home's job.
-A housekeeper's job is simpler than a farmer's job.
ResponderEliminar-A artist's job is more calm than a chid day care worker's job.
-A actor's job is more funny than a babysitter's job.
-A construction worker's job is more dangeorus than a cashier's job.
-A janitor's job is more ill paid than a computer sofware engineer's job.
-A customer service representative's job is more stressful than a butcher's job.
ResponderEliminarA pilot's job is more amusing than a lawyer's job.
A photographer's job is more astonishing than a mover's job.
A medical assistant's job is more terrifying than a salesperson's job.
A reporter's job is more interesting than a manicurist's job.
A postal worker's job is more boring than a pilot's job.
A musician's job is more relaxed than a police officer's job.
ResponderEliminarA machine operator's job is more dangerous than a postal worker's job.
A mover's job is more heavy than a mail carrier's job.
A lawyer's job is more intellectual than a salesperson's job.
A medical assistant's job is more funny than a receptionist's job.
ResponderEliminarA veterinarian's job is more amusing than a stock clerk's job.
A serviceman's job is more worrying than a shopkeeper's job.
A sanitation worker's job is more tiring than a travel agent's job.
A translator's job is more stressful than a security guard's job.
A welder's job is more annoying than a secretary's job.
Occupations 3
ResponderEliminarA photographer's job is more easy than a repair person´is job
A police officer´s job is more involved than a manicurist´s job
A musician´s job is more emotional than a machine operator´s job
A mail carrier´s job is more exhausting than a pharmacist´s job
A lawyer´s job is more strict than a receptionist´s job
ResponderEliminar-A fire fighter's job is more strict than a food -service worker's job.
-A gardener's job is more relaxed than a health-care aide's job.
-A house keeper job is more boring than a hairdresser's job.
-A delivery person's job is more responsible than a foreman's job.
-A factory worker's job is more tiring than a enginner's job.
The job of a laborer is more stressful than the work of a painter
ResponderEliminarThe job of a baker is easier than the work of an actor
The job of an architect is more demanding than the work of a barber
The job of an office assistant is ordered that the work of a butcher
The job of a teacher is easier than the job of a chef
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarA construction’s job is more dangerous than an artist’s job.
ResponderEliminarA businessman’s job is more interesting than a cashier’s job.
An architect’s job is more expensive than babysitter’s job.
A chef’s job is easier than assembler’s job.
A barber’s job is quieter than child day-care’s job.
an actor's job is more relaxed thant a computer software enquincer
ResponderEliminara construction worte's is more dangerous than an artist's job
a cashier work more strssed than a photograph
a carpenter's job is more moise than a data entry clerk
a chef''s job is more relaxed than a customer service representative's job
ResponderEliminarA photographer's job is more cheerful than a reporter's job
A mechanic's job is less pleasant than a musician's job.
A pharmacist's job is more exhausted the a manicurist's job.
A police official’s job is more stressful than a mail carrier's job.
A manager's job is easier than a pilot's job.
A factory worker's job is more tiring than a enginner's job.
ResponderEliminarThe job of a teacher is easier than the job of a actor
A actriz 's job is easier than a pilot's job.
A nurse's job is more tiring than a ganader's job.
A fisher job is more agitated than police's job
A farmer's job is more difficult than a delivery person's job.
ResponderEliminarA firefighter's job is more dangerous than a homemaker´s job.
A gardener's job is more relaxed than a fisher's job.
A home attendant's job is more cheerful than a health-care aide's job.
A engineer's job is more complicated than a foreman's job.
ResponderEliminara firefighter's job is more danger than a hairdresser´s job
a gardener´s job is more beautiful than a foreman´s job
a fisher´s job is more exhausted than a housekeeper´s job
a home attendant´s job is more agitated than delivery person´s job
a garment worker´s job is more complicated than dockworker´s job
A Child day-care worker´ s job is easier than construction worker´s job.
ResponderEliminarA mason´s job is more difficult than actor´s job.
A chef´s job is more complicated than barber´s job.
A cashier´s job is more stressful than artist´s job.
An architect´s job is more interesting than baker´s job.
A serviceman's job is more nice than a truck driver's job.
ResponderEliminarA supervisor's job is more easy than a telemarketer's job.
A veterinarian's job is more generous than a sanitation worker's job.
A welder's job is more complicated than a store owner's job.
A tailor's job is more stressful than a translator's job.
ResponderEliminar-A salesperson's job is more compressive than a police officer's job.
-A pilot's job is more well paid than a postal worker's job.
-A repair person's job is more bad paid than a journalist's job.
-A medical assistant's job is more cautious than a manicurist's job.
-A lawyer's job is more ambitious than a mover's job.
Occupations 4
ResponderEliminarA teacher's job is more useful than a secretary's job
A tailor´s job is more creative than a truck driver´s job
A veterinarian´s job is more loving a welder´s job
A translator´s job is more important than a travel agent´s job
A sanitation worker´s job is more hard than a telemarketer´s job
Ocuppations 1 correction
ResponderEliminarAn artist´s job is more creative than a manson´s job
A construction worked´s job is more complicated than a cashier´s job
An architect´s job is more belated than a barber´s job
A babysistter´s is mas recreative than a baker´s job
A businessman´s is more easy than a janitor´s job
ResponderEliminarA trash collector's job is more boring than a veterinarian's job.
A truck driver's job is more complex than a teacher's job.
A secretary's job is more competent than a tailor's job.
A welder's job is harder than a waiter's job.
A travel agent's job is more boring than an stock clerk's job.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarA architect's job is more stressful than a janitor's job.
ResponderEliminarA babysitter's job is more stressful than a construction worker's job.
A assembler's job is more stressful than a cashier's job.
A butcher's job is more stressful than a barber's job.
A customer service representative's job is more stressful than a carpenter's job.
A dock worker's job is more stressful than a factory worker's job.
ResponderEliminarA firefighter's job is more stressful than a fisher's job.
A attendent's job is more stressful than a hairdresser's job.
A engineer's job is more stressful than a barber's job.
A farmer's job is more stressful than a gardener's job.
Occupations 3
ResponderEliminara pilot's job is more danger than a salesperson's job
a lawyer´s job is more complicated than a painter´s job
a musician´s job is more beautiful than a repairperson´s job
a manager´s job is more exhausting than a pharmacist´s job
a manicurist´s job is more careful than a postal worker´s job
Occupations 4
ResponderEliminara veterinarian's job is more beautiful than a telemarketer´s job
a teacher´s job is more exhausted than a serviceman´s job
a supervisor´s job is more danger than a waitress´s job
a welder´s job is more complicated than a translator´s job
a security guard´s job is more deft than a store owner´s job
during office work is more complicated than an actor
ResponderEliminarthe job of an actor is easier than an architect
the work of an architect is more difficult than that of a painter
the work of an artist is easier than that of an engineer
the work of a Ingeniro is more difficult than that of a nanny
the work of a home is more relaxed than that of an architect
ResponderEliminarthe work of a stylist is simpler than that of a firefighter
the job of a firefighter is more complicated than that of a nurse
the work of an employee of toilet is more complicated than a home
the work of a fishing is easier than a room employee
A veterinarian´s job is more loving a welder´s job
ResponderEliminarA translator´s job is more important than a travel agent´s job
An architect´s job is more belated than a barber´s job
A babysistter´s is recreative than a baker´s job
A businessman´s is more easy than a janitor´s job
A Delivery person´s job is harder than a hairdresser´s job.
ResponderEliminarA housekeeper´s job is stressful than a farmer´s job
A firefighter´s job is more dangerous than a foreman´s job
A homemaker´s job is easier than a firefighter´s job.
A dockworker´s job is more difficult than a gardener´s job.
A journalist´s job is difficult than a mail carrier´s job.
ResponderEliminarA photographer´s job is easier than a pilot´s job.
A police officer´s job is more stressful than a painter´s job.
A machine operator´s job is more dangerous than a salesperson´s job.
A manicurist´s job is easier than a repairperson´s job.
ResponderEliminarThe work of an architect is more difficult than that of a baker.
A construction worker´s job is moree tiring than a janitor´s job
A concierge´s job is easier than an artist´s job
A baby sisther´s is quieter than a hairdresser.
By : Johanna Henao C.
Ocupation 2
ResponderEliminarA gardener's job is more complex than a housekeeper job.
A eingineer job is more quiet than a food service job.
a home attendant's job is more difficult than delivery person's job.
A farmer's job is more tiring than a garment worker .
the work of a hairdresser is easier than work delivery person.
By: Johanna Henao.
A musician's job is more easy than a Postal worker job.
ResponderEliminarA mail carrier's job is more exhausting than a pharmacist's job.
A lawyer's job is more complicated than a sales person job.
The job of a photographer is more didicaco the work of a pharmacist.
A pilot's job is more complicado than a medical assitant job
ResponderEliminarA secretary's job is more dificult than a tailor's job.
A truck driver's job is more important than a waiter's job server.
A supervisor's job is more danger than a veterinarian's job.
A serviceman's job is more agotador than a shopkeeper's job.
A welder's work is more dangerous than the work of stock clerk.
ResponderEliminar-A sanitation worker's job is more annoying than a truck driver's job.
-A veterinarian's job is more motivating than a telemarketer's job.
-A teacher's job is more stressful than a shopkeeper's job.
-A translator's job is more well paid than a welder's job.
-A waiter's job is more bad paid than a tailor's job.
A postal worker's job is more boring than a journalist's job.
ResponderEliminarA mover's job is more tiring than a photographer's job.
A musician's job is more amazing than a pilot's job.
A repairperson's job is more exhausted than a receptionist's job.
A police officer's job is more interesting than a courier's job.
The job of a welder is harder than the job of a actriz. The job of a veterinarian is more dangerous than the work of a nurse. el trabajo de un actor es más fácil que un periodista. The job of a chef is more difficult than the work of cameraman. The job of a doctor is more dangerous than the work of a secretary
ResponderEliminarThe job of a veterinarian funniest work of a secretariat. The job of a fisherman faster work of a secretariat. El trabajo de un abogado es más complicado que el trabajo de una agricultor. The job of a pilot is more complicated than the work of a nanny. The job of a teacher is more fun than the work of a police
ResponderEliminarhealth care alde's job is more humanitarian than a frisher's job
ResponderEliminara firefighter's job is more dificult than a foreman's job
a garment worker's job is more exhausting than a gardener's job
factory worker's job is more boring thant a farme's job
a food service worker's job is more borrin thant a farme's job
pharmacist's job is more careful than a photographer's job
ResponderEliminara manicurrist's job is more quick thann a machine operation's job
a police officer's job is more dangerous than a postal worker's job
a journalist' job is more uncomfortable than a pilots job
a painte'ts job is more easy than a lawyer's job
A photographer's job is more interesting than a painter's job.
ResponderEliminarA musician's job is more interesting than a repairperson's job.
A reporter's job is more interesting than a manicurist's job.
A pilot's job is more interesting than a manager's job.
A medical assistant's job is more interesting than a pharmacist's job.
A secretary's job is more interesting than a store owner's job.
ResponderEliminarA serviceman's job is more interesting than a truck driver's job.
A instructor's job is more interesting than a server's job.
A interpreter's job is more interesting than a welder's job.
A veterinarian's job is more interesting than a tailor's job.
ResponderEliminarA construction worker's job is more difficult than a chef job.
A carpenter's job is more complicated than an artist's job.
An assembler's job is more confusing than a janitor's job.
A artist's job is more easy than a barber's job.
A connstructor's job is harder than a actor's job.
ResponderEliminarAn engineer's job is more confusing than a delivery person job.
A garment worker's job is more stressful than a gardener's job.
A farner's job is more difficult than a homemaker's job.
A dockworker's job is more interesting than a foreman's job.
A pesacdor's job is more stressful than an assistant hone's job.
ResponderEliminarA pilot's job is more amusing than a lawyer's job
A postal worker's job is more boring than a pilot's job.
A musician's job is more relaxed than a police officer's job.
A medical assistant's job is more terrifying than a salesperson's job.
A machine operator's job is more dangerous than a postal worker's job.
ResponderEliminarA veterinarian's job is more amusing than a stock derk's job.
A translator's job is more stressful than a security guard's job.
A tailor's job is more creative than a truck driver's job.
A sanitation worker's job is more hard than a telemarketer's job.
A trash collector's job is more boring than a veterinarian's job.
Occupations 1
ResponderEliminarA construccion worker's job is more difficult than a chef 's job.
A butcher's job is more difficult than babysister's job.
A chef 's job is more interesting than an acountan's job.
A painter's job is more relaxed than a architect's job.
An artist's job is more amazing than a data entry clerk's job.
Occupations 2
ResponderEliminarA fisher's job is more quiet than a housekeeper's job.
A farmer's job is more tiring than a fisher's job.
A pesacador's job is more streesful than an assistant home's job.
A dockworker's job is more interesting than a foreman's job.
A firefighter's job is more dangerous than a hairdresser's job.
Occupations 3
ResponderEliminarA lawyer's job is more intellectual than a salesperson's job.
A pilot's is more amusing than a lawyer's job.
A musician's job is more relaxed than a police officer's job.
A postal worker's job is more boring than a pilot's job.
A mover's job is more heavy than a mail carrier's job.
Occupations 4
ResponderEliminarA welder's job is more annoying than a secretary's job.
A police officer's job is more involved than a manicurist's job.
A teacher's job is more useful than a secretary's job.
A sanitation worker's job is more hard than a telemarketer's job.
A travel agent's jon is more boring than a stock derk's job.
Ocupationes 1
ResponderEliminarA carpenter's job is more complicated than an artist's job.
A chest's job is more interesting than an a countan's job.
A contruction worker's is more difficult than a chef job.
An assembler's job is more confusina than a janitor's job.
A butcher's job is more difficult than baby sister's.
occpations 2.
ResponderEliminarA garment worker's job is more stressful than a gardener's job.
A dockworker's job is more interesting than a foreman's is job.
An engeineer's job is more confusing than.
A pescador's job is more stressful than an assistant hone's job.
work of a dockworker is more interesting than the work of a foreman.
Occupations 3.
ResponderEliminarA pilot's is more amusing than a lawyer's job.
A lawyer's job is more intellectual than a sales person's job.
A postal worker's job is more baring than a pilot's job.
A musician's job is more relaxed than a police officer's job.
A machine operator's job is more dongerous than a postal worker's job.
occupations 4.
ResponderEliminarA veterinarian's job is more amusing than a stock derk's job.
A travel agent's job is more baring than a stock derkis job.
A trash collector's job is more boring than a veterinarian's job.
A police officer's job is more involued than a manicuristis job.
A sanitation worker's job is more hard than a telemarketer's job.
Occupations 1
ResponderEliminarA Parmacist's job is more easy than a mechanic's job.
A teacher's job is more difficult than a telemarketer's job.
A welder's job is more complicated than a traslator's job.
A barber's job is relaxing than a carpenter's job.
A cashier's job is easier than a computer's software job.
Occupations 2
ResponderEliminarA delivery person`s job is more easier than a home health aide job.
A firefigter's job is more difficult than a engineer's job.
A pilot's job is more amazing than a police officer's job.
A sanitation worker's job is more confusing than a tailor's job.
A messenger's job is more relaxing than a manager's job.
Ocupations 3.
ResponderEliminarA serviceman´s job is more stressful than a travel agent's job.
A mechanic job is more harder than a photpgrapher's job.
A lawyer job is well than a salesperson's job.
A postal worker's job is more bad tahn a medical assistant's job.
A painter's job is more motivating than a recepcionist's job.
Occupations 4.
ResponderEliminarA trash collector's job is more annoying than a waitress's job.
A supervisor's job is more interesting than a machine operator's job.
A musician's job is more fascinating than a artist's job.
A chef's job is more easier than a data entry clerk.
A bricklayer's job is more tiring than a waiter's job.
The job of a teacher is more useful than the work of a fisherman
ResponderEliminarThe job of a tailor is more creative than the work of a firefighter
The job of a tailor is more careful work of veterinary
The job of a translator is more important than the work of a fisherman
The job of a translator ofa worker is more difficult than the work of a packer
The work of a photographer is more beautiful than the work of a postman
ResponderEliminarThe job of a pilot is more important than the job of a manager
The job of a nail technician is careful work of a mechanical
The job of a policeman is more important than the work of a pianist
The work of an employee ofa lawyer is more difficult than the work of a physician
The job of a garbage collector is more difficult than the work of a teacher
ResponderEliminarThe job of a welder is more difficult than the work of a secretary
The job of a soldier is more careful work of a veterinary
The job of a secretary is more important than the job of a waiter
The work of an employee of an artist is easier than the work of a police
Occupations 1
ResponderEliminarA construccion worker's job is more difficult than a chef 's job.
A butcher's job is more difficult than babysister's job.
A chef 's job is more interesting than an acountan's job.
A painter's job is more relaxed than a architect's job.
An artist's job is more amazing than a data entry clerk's job.
Occupations 2
ResponderEliminarA fisher's job is more quiet than a housekeeper's job.
A farmer's job is more tiring than a fisher's job.
A pesacador's job is more streesful than an assistant home's job.
A dockworker's job is more interesting than a foreman's job.
A firefighter's job is more dangerous than a hairdresser's job.
Occupations 3
ResponderEliminarA lawyer's job is more intellectual than a salesperson's job.
A pilot's is more amusing than a lawyer's job.
A musician's job is more relaxed than a police officer's job.
A postal worker's job is more boring than a pilot's job.
A mover's job is more heavy than a mail carrier's job.